A Letter from Bill Lucini
This Winter, the Letter Carriers in Branch 157, Philadelphia and surrounding communities and all of NALC Region 12, which covers Pennsylvania and South/Central New Jersey, have worked in the worst winter weather conditions any of us can remember. Through the bitter cold and numerous snow storms, all of you have proven that you are dedicated to the customers on your routes, your careers, and the USPS. You have survived the winter weather and you all should be commended for your hard work and dedication. Please continue to work safely.
For the last few years the NALC has been successful in weathering the political attacks and storms that have threatened our livelihoods. Members of Congress and Postal Management in Washington D.C. are continuing to try to destroy the USPS. In February, Senate Bill 1486 was debated, marked up and approved by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee by a vote of 9 to 1.
As written, S. 1486 would facilitate the end of door to door delivery and eliminate Saturday delivery. If this bill passes a full vote in the U.S. Senate and is paired with Congressman Darrell Issa’s bill in the House of Representatives, it would destroy tens of thousands of Letter Carrier jobs. It would also jeopardize the Postal Service’s financial recovery by diminishing service and driving away business.
NALC President Fred Rolando and our Legislative Department are working very hard to educate our friends in the U.S. Senate, to prepare them to introduce the proper adjustments and amendments to this bill, so it would protect the Postal Service, not destroy it. Every member has to be ready, at a moments notice, to follow President Rolando’s future instructions to contact our Senators and US House of Representative members. We will also need our families, friends, and neighbors to make the same call to help to save the USPS and your jobs.
Every member has to sign up to be an E-Activist. Talk to our Brothers and Sisters on the work room floor to become an E-Activist. Go to the NALC website, nalc.org, to join or give your name and e-mail address to your Shop Steward, Branch Officers or me, your National Business Agent.
Just as the Great Postal Strike of 1970 changed the work lives for all Letter Carriers for decades to follow, upcoming legislation pending in Congress, if not properly amended , could change the work lives for all current and future Letter Carriers, their families and the fate of the Postal Service. Become an E-Activist, contribute to COLCPE.
Bill Lucini, National Business Agent
Region 12, NALC