Latest News
(April 10, 2020)
The Officers and Members of Branch 157 extend their deepest sympathies to everyone in our Nation who lost a loved one due to COVID-19. Words cannot adequately express the sorrow we share with you, your family, and your friends. God Bless each one of you.
As of this writing, April 10, 2020, the Branch has 22 Letter Carriers who tested positive for the Corona virus. Twenty-one members are recuperating at home and the other employee is hospitalized. One facility has been disproportionately affected with 16 Letter Carriers having been stricken by the disease. Taking every precaution possible, a Branch Officer has been present in that facility every day from the very first reported positive testing.
In Philadelphia and our Associate Offices outside the City, the Branch has cooperated fully with the Postal Service to ensure social distancing is maintained. Together, we have addressed every craft at each facility immediately after discovering an employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19. We have assisted in securing materials necessary to keep our Members safe from the virus. We have assisted in filling individual bottles of hand sanitizer, delivered masks, gloves, soap, wipes, and other essential items to facilities as needed.
We are all in this together are not mere words. The sentiment could not ring truer. Yes, we have our differences with management but now is not the time for divisiveness. Hopefully, the parties will work together to resolve disputes collectively. We must work together because lives are at risk. Communication and transparency are paramount to trust. Without it, we will all suffer.
Finally, I have always been proud to be a Letter Carrier. I have never been prouder of you. All of us have a role to play. We must take ownership of our own well-being and follow the CDC guidelines. Take your temperature every morning, if you are sick, please stay home. Maintain social distancing while at work. Remember, this virus has no boundaries!