Branch 157 Scholarship Luncheon (2024)
Customer Connect Award at Fort Washington Post Office given to Kevin Judge (2024)
Dog Bite Awareness Event
Image 1: Branch 157 Safety Officer Leslie Berner gave a speech at Dog Bite Awareness Event
Image 2: President Timothy Mulvenna, Safety Officer Leslie Berner, Region 12 Regional Administrative Assistant Leo Zachwieja
Breakfast With Santa (2023)
Customer Connect breakfast
On August 1,2023, a Customer Connect breakfast celebration was held at the Hunting Park Station. Letter Carrier Arthur Breckenridge pictured here with NALC Branch 157 Customer Connect coordinator James O'Malley was honored for his work with a large business lead. Representatives from the NALC in cooperation with leaders from the Postal Service took place in the celebration. NALC Directory of Safety and Health Manuel Peralta is pictured with Region 12 National Business agent Brian Thompson. A big thanks goes out to all of the Letter Carriers at Hunting Park.
Phillies Game Tailgate
Labor Day Parade 2023