November 25, 2014 - Joe Rodgers
Parcels: if management gives parcels from your route to a CCA or anyone else for delivery, a 3996 must be filled out by the delivering carrier stating what time delivery of the parcels started and what time delivery was finished. You should get a copy of the 3996 and if you do not, ask for it. If you still do not get a copy of the 96, see your steward and have a grievance filed. In addition to filling out a 3996, the carrier completing the delivery should enter the time spent on the route into the ETC, Electronic Time Clock, when they return from the street. If you do not know how to work the time clock, ask, because our routes are now evaluated by looking at the data created by our rings. Auxiliary assistance will be counted when evaluating a route and someone delivering parcels, other than you, is Aux. If the Aux is not put into the system, the data is incorrect and the evaluation will not be accurate. This is important and should be done to protect the routes we have and to possibly create additional routes. Have a happy, healthy Thanksgiving and let's go Eagles!