CCA’s and MBA
Welcome to our new website. I would like to take this opportunity to say hello to our new employees. The Postal Service is hiring CCA’s at a record rate. When hired these new employees have no paid benefits. The NALC has a Mutual Benefit Association that has Life Insurance and other investment plans that could really help. The MBA offers a Maturity Income plan that allows you to start with as little as $15 per pay period. It can be designated as Roth, Traditional, or a Non-Qualifying Annuity. You could possibly offset some tax liability, when you file your taxes for the previous year. Please consult a tax professional to maximize your savings.
The MBA also has several different Life Insurance Policies that a member could purchase for as little as $2 or $3 a pay period depending on age. One of those policies is the 10 Year Renewable and Convertible Term Life Insurance. In the event of your death, the policy will pay your beneficiaries the full amount of your policy for as long as it’s in force. This plan lets you choose coverage of $10,000, $15,000, $25,000, $50,000, or $100,000. Your premium will remain the same until the ten year term has ended. You can renew for another 10 years without a medical exam. You could also convert your term life policy into a whole life policy. Term life insurance is also available to your spouse for the same low rates available to you. If you’re not fully satisfied within 30 days, for any reason, return your policy for a full refund of any premium you’ve paid. There is no risk.
The MBA has over $224 million of life insurance in force and can claim over $194 million of admitted assets. This organization continues to serve letter carriers and their families nationwide- not only by providing insurance protection, but through other activities as well.
Chris Lanetti, MBA Rep., Keystone Branch 157